Door Devil: Reinforce Your Door

Is your door strong enough to hold off persistent thieves? If you live in a tough neighborhood, you may want…

Secret Storage Hollow Book Box

Books are great for gaining new knowledge. You could also hollow them out and use them to hide things. This…

Yukon Night Vision 1 * 24 Goggles

Every spy has a decent pair of night vision goggles. They are simply a lifesaver when you are observing things…

Driving Activity Reporter

Monitoring a car's activity is not going to be too difficult when you have one of these Driving Activity Reporters.…

WiFi External Hard Drive Case with Hidden Camera

I bet your hard drive case can't do this. This is an external hard drive case with a hidden camera…

Computer Printer Spy Camera

Looks like a regular printer, doesn't it? But this computer printer can record video at 640 x 480 resolution. Just…

R/C Wi-Spi Helicopter

Many of own or have played with R/C toys in the past. Many of these toys are very capable of …

SeV Alpha Jacket with 35 Pockets for Spies

It is no secret that spies carry many neat tools with them. Not all jackets have enough space to carry…

Prey Anti Theft App for iOS

Losing your iPhone or iPad can be a painful experience. These gadgets are not cheap. Besides, you may have sensitive…

Sesame: Lock Your Mac Wirelessly

Keeping your computer unlocked when you go away is not smart. Unfortunately, many of us forget to lock our computers.…