Safes & Diversions

1410M Tactical Wall Clock

Meet the 1410M Tactical Wall Clock: a storage solution for your valuable items. It looks like a regular clock but…

Wolverine Holsters Under The Desk Holder

Meet the Under The Desk Holster: a stealth gun holder that goes under your desk or in a cabinet, giving…

Hollow CD Case w/ Secret Container

Here is a CD case with a secret container for your valuable items. It has a 4.5" x 4" x…

Hairbrush Diversion Safe Hides Your Things

Finding a place to hide your valuable things does not have to be difficult. Take this Hair Brush Diversion Safe…

BARSKA Hidden Real Book Gun Safe

So you want to hide your gun or other valuable items in plain sight? The BARSKA Hidden Real Book Gun…

Hard-Back Book Diversion Safe

So you need to hide things in plain sight? Why not hide your valuable items in a book? This Hard-Back…

Beach Vault: Protect Your Valuables At the Beach

So you want to keep your valuable items safe from damage and theft when you are spending time at the…

Concealment Clock Hides Your Things

So you have valuable items that you want to hide in your home in plain sight? This Concealment Clock might…

Diversion Safe-Surge Protector

Here is another tool you can use to hide your valuable items. Surge protectors are nothing special. Many of us…

Rock Key Hider-Sand: Hide Your Keys

Want to hide your keys outside your home but don't want people to find it? The Rock Key Hider-Sand can…