
Hot Snot Fire Starter Fire Paste

Meet the Hot Snot Fire Paste: a handy fire starter that lets you get going without kindling. You can simply…

AVERSEL Survivor Fire Starter Kit

Here is another kit that helps you start a fire with less effort outside. The AVERSEL Survivor Fire Starter Kit…

Feuerstock Camping Fire Starter

Starting a fire outside doesn't have to be a challenge. The Feuerstock Camping Fire Starter is a handy firestarter that…

Hand Crank Fire Starter

Here is a hand powered fan that lets you start a fire for your BBQ and camping needs. This Hand…

Hot Shot: Fire Starting Survival Card

Here is a fire starter that you can easily carry in your wallet to get you unstuck in the outdoors.…

Steve Kaeser Fatwood Firestarter Sticks

Starting a fire is a lot easier when you have a decent firestarter. These Steve Kaeser Fatwood Firestarter Sticks also…

Acento Missile Shaped Keychain Multitool

Here is a missile shaped keychain multitool with a flint metal that lets you start a fire in any condition.…

Survival Kook Bow Drill Firestarter

Starting a fire outdoors is not hard if you know what you are doing. You can always invest in a…

LIFESABER Wilderness Survival Tool

Meet the LIFESABER : a wilderness survival multitool that can start a fire, purify you water and generate energy for…