
VALTCAN Tactical Pen for Self Defense

Meet the VALTCAN Defender Tactical Pen: an aircraft tactical pen with glass breaker that gets you out of trouble and…

TriTac EDC Pen Multitool

Meet the TriTac EDC Pen: a grade 5 titanium EDC bolt action pen with a 440c stainless steel blade and…

LiBa SAS Hidden Camera: HD Recording Pen

Meet the LiBa Spy Pen: a HD recording device that lets you record action covertly. It is compatible with Mac…

Invisible Ink Pen

Every spy needs to have a pen with invisible ink. This Invisible Ink Pen lets you write secret messages to…

One-Touch Voice Recorder Pen: Record 142 Hours of Audio

Meet the One-Touch Voice Recorder Pen: an awesome little toy that looks like a stylish pen but is quite evil…